Previous Poll Questions

March 12, 2012 - 1117 votes
Has winter been milder than previous years?

Yes: 956
No: 161

March 10, 2012 - 1077 votes
Are you in favour of, or against, the twice yearly time change between standard and daylight savings time?

In favour: 299
Against: 778

March 9, 2012 - 832 votes
After no pay increase in 2011, West Kelowna council voted themselves a 3% increase for 2012. What do you think of the raise?

Too High: 550
Too Low: 36
The right amount: 246

March 6, 2012 - 1512 votes
Should City Council give the go-ahead for the Monaco development?

Yes: 658
No: 854

March 4, 2012 - 403 votes
What will you do with your children during the teacher's walk out?

Keep them at home: 297
Send them to school: 63
Find alternative daycare: 43

March 2, 2012 - 626 votes
Should developers be allowed to offer cash incentives to receive zoning variances from the city?

Yes: 150
No: 476

March 1, 2012 - 1814 votes
Should teachers be allowed to strike

Yes: 908
No: 906

February 27, 2012 - 5995 votes
Do you support the teachers in their current labour dispute with the province?

Yes: 3245
No: 2750

February 26, 2012 - 510 votes
Do you feel 'voter suppresion calls' made to mislead voters had an influence on the May 2 Federal Election?

Yes: 294
No: 216

February 23, 2012 - 1274 votes
Should the province introduce back-to-work legislation in the dispute with the teachers?

Yes: 750
No: 524

February 21, 2012 - 570 votes
Did Kelowna go far enough in partially reinstating two transit routes previously eliminated during the budget process?

Yes: 183
No: 387

February 20, 2012 - 895 votes
Is the government going too far with its new surveillance legislation?

Yes: 735
No: 160

February 19, 2012 - 420 votes
Do you agree that courtrooms in Canada should allow cameras inside to record the event?

Yes: 305
No: 115

February 18, 2012 - 189 votes
Are you happy Kelowna City Council is reconsidering some of its proposed cuts to transit service?

Yes: 146
No: 43

February 14, 2012 - 1206 votes
Should people who make false 911 calls have to pay for the RCMP's time?

Yes: 948
No: 258

February 13, 2012 - 1200 votes
Should the Osoyoos Times release the video of a traffic stop involving the editor of the newspaper?

Yes: 1040
No: 160

February 12, 2012 - 474 votes
Should Stephen Harper have taken a stronger stand against China's human rights record during his recent visit to that country?

Yes: 158
No: 316

February 10, 2012 - 708 votes
Is Kelowna a romantic city?

Yes: 106
No: 602

February 9, 2012 - 529 votes
In general, do you believe Okanagan communities are doing a good job managing population growth?

Yes: 102
No: 427

February 7, 2012 - 1039 votes
What should be built on the property where Slack Alice's and the Chinese Laundry Restaurant formerly stood?

Strip Club: 517
Hotel: 62
Park: 57
Something Else: 403

February 6, 2012 - 1191 votes
Are you optimistic Kelowna has a bright future as a great place to live and do business?

Yes: 651
No: 540

February 3, 2012 - 1769 votes
Did police use too much force in dealing with teens after they were spotted with, what turned out to be a toy cap gun?

Yes: 339
No: 1430

February 5, 2012 - 1197 votes
Which of the six Super Bowl ads do you like best?

Honda - Bueller: 219
Coke - Polar Bears: 380
Volkswagon - Dogs: 108
Toyota - Reinvented: 84
Acura - Seinfeld: 373
Kraft - Breakfast: 33

January 29, 2012 - 1565 votes
With 4 grow-ops and a chemical drug lab all found in the Okanagan last week, what do you think should happen with our drug laws?

Make them tougher: 694
Keep them the same: 13
Legalize it: 858

January 27, 2012 - 952 votes
Do you agree with the Prosser Report that the addition of 15 more RCMP officers will improve the crime rate in Kelowna?

Yes: 594
No: 358

January 26, 2012 - 1012 votes
Should the Kelowna Mountain development be allowed to go ahead?

Yes: 753
No: 259

January 24, 2012 - 1865 votes
Should the bus known as 'The Party Bus' be shut down permanently?

Yes: 1522
No: 343

January 23, 2012 - 1349 votes
Do you believe the emerald, set for auction Saturday in Kelowna, is real?

Yes: 453
No: 896

January 21, 2012 - 1305 votes
How fed up are you with the high cost of MP's pensions?

Completely: 1269
Somewhat: 15
Not at all: 21

January 20, 2012 - 1372 votes
BC teachers are asking for what amounts to a 15% wage hike over three years. Are they asking for too much?

Yes: 920
No: 452

January 18, 2012 - 1003 votes
Can you live with a reduction in some services such as street sweeping and transit in exchange for the zero increase budget Kelowna council approved Tuesday?

Yes: 714
No: 289

January 17, 2012 - 0 votes


January 17, 2012 - 368 votes
Do you agree with the City of Kelowna's decision to allocate $2,500 for hanging baskets?

Yes: 181
No: 187

January 16, 2012 - 1369 votes
While it will have little or no affect on taxes, did Vernon Mayor, Robert Sawatzky do the right thing in turning down a $3,000 a year pay raise?

Yes: 1254
No: 115

January 15, 2012 - 720 votes
Do you believe Canada is in a recession?

Yes: 511
No: 209

January 12, 2012 - 774 votes
Should the City of Kelowna remove part of the south side rock face in order to widen McKinley Road near the GEID Reservoir?

Yes: 536
No: 238

January 10, 2012 - 1054 votes
Do you agree with council's decision to go ahead with an urban deer cull in Penticton?

Yes: 602
No: 452

January 9, 2012 - 1822 votes
Should those convicted in the Stanley Cup riots be given community service and fines rather than jail time?

Yes: 459
No: 1363

January 8, 2012 - 689 votes
Are you in favour of the Northern Gateway oil pipeline?

Yes: 462
No: 227

January 7, 2012 - 405 votes
Betty Unger was appointed to the Senate after being elected in Alberta more than 7 years ago. Are you in favour of electing members of the Upper House?

Yes: 81
No: 16
The Senate should be abolished: 308

January 6, 2012 - 1625 votes
Should the province raise the minimum price of alcohol?

Yes: 278
No: 1347

January 5, 2012 - 796 votes
Should the Health Ministry make an Urgent Care Centre in West Kelowna a top priority?

Yes: 674
No: 122

January 4, 2012 - 707 votes
Would you be willing to accept a small tax increase if it means more police officers patrolling Kelowna streets?

Yes: 431
No: 276

January 3, 2012 - 677 votes
Do you plan to contribute more to your RRSP in 2012 than in 2011?

Yes: 137
No: 434
I don't have an RRSP plan: 106

January 2, 2012 - 559 votes
With such a high number of avalanches requiring rescue recently, is it time to limit access to B.C.'s backcountry during times of high avalanche hazards?

Yes: 405
No: 154

December 31, 2011 - 1007 votes
Are you optimistic that 2012 will be better than 2011?

Yes: 735
No: 272

December 29, 2011 - 596 votes
Will you buy the latest gadgets as they become available in 2012?

Yes: 28
No: 568

December 28, 2011 - 352 votes
Did you budget for holiday spending this year?

Yes: 203
No: 104
Sort of: 45

December 26, 2011 - 499 votes
How long after Christmas will you keep your tree and decorations up?

less than a week: 146
1 week: 255
2 weeks: 71
3 weeks: 27

December 24, 2011 - 592 votes
Did you finally finish your Christmas shopping on December 24?

Yes: 173
No: 419

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