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September 17, 1987 - August 6, 2012

If tears could build a highway
And memories a lane
We'd walk right up to heaven
To see you smile again ....

Five years have gone by ...it's hard to believe. Not a day passes Derek that you are not missed .... We love and miss you every moment of every day. Love from Mom and Bruce....Dad and Rhonda...Brett, Britt, Ali and Riley ... Kaelynn and Colin ... Most of all, Annelee sends her love to her Angel Daddy .....

Condolence Messages
  • Aug 08, 2017
    Thinking of you,sending lots of hugs.

  • Aug 06, 2017
    Thinking of you guys-we hope time will heal..Bud and Rita

  • Aug 05, 2017
    Helen and l will never forget you Derek. love to your family.Bob
  • Aug 05, 2017
    My heart goes out to you and your loved ones, be thinking about you Sunday. It would have been my 74 birthday, they are partying together.. hugs to you all.

    Donna and Dylan.
  • Aug 05, 2017
    Five years have passed and we want to say thank you to Brett and Kaelynn; your strength and patience has been incredible. You've witnessed a lot of heartbreak in this family through all of this and yet you participated in celebrating your brother many times. You are so very special and loved by us, and we value your unconditional love. To Claire Janzen; thank you for your guidance and counseling through the tears and sleepless nights. To our family who hugged often and kept us going and supported us. To our work families; we are grateful for your understanding and being so kind to us. To our many friends; how often you allowed us to keep sharing Derek stories. You have truly been a large part of our healing. Talking and tears have helped to heal us because you sat and listened. To Derek's friends; so many gifts and great stories shared by you that would bring us laughter and peace. Then there is time spent with Derek's little girl Annelee; we are so grateful for having her in our lives. She reminds us of him in so many ways. Annelee you are a true blessing. To our Derek; memories are forever and we thank God for that.

    Dad and Rhonda
  • Aug 04, 2017
    Thinking of you all as I read this today.

    Ken Warren

  • Aug 04, 2017
    Derek is remembered with love.

    Lee-Anne and Jeff
  • Aug 04, 2017
    I think of Schatzie often, he was one of my favorites. That smile of his could brighten the dreariest day & nobody worked harder, always a pleasure to be around. He is missed!

  • Aug 04, 2017
    Thinking of you all.

    Jeff & Laurianne
  • Aug 04, 2017
    Miss you so much Nephew.

    Uncle Gogo and Auntie Gail
  • Aug 04, 2017
    Thinking of you, take care. Tony and Marlyn Ryder
  • Aug 04, 2017
    Beaver we miss you too!

    Fish & Francine
  • Aug 04, 2017
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

    Domenic and Lina Rampone
  • Aug 04, 2017
    It is hard to believe that 5 yrs has passed. Derek and I worked together and always got along well. I miss you "Buddy"
