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FRANCE, Dr. Kenneth Alan

FRANCE, Dr. Kenneth Alan

Dr. Kenneth Alan France passed away on July 4th at the age of 95. He was survived by his children: Sue Chambers (Dick), Ken (Andrea), and Michael

Link: www.springfieldfuneralhome.com
Condolence Messages
  • Jun 10, 2021
    R.I.P. Mr France

    Thank you for your service to our country.

    Sincerely Rick V

    ( the old Mr Goodlawn in Sunrise Village )
  • Aug 19, 2017
    So sorry to hear of Dr. France's passing. As our family physician, he was always kind and caring. A doctor's visit would usually include a good story and some laughs.

    We were fortunate to have known him.

    Maria Fairholm
  • Jul 27, 2017
    A true gentleman. He will be fondly remembered and sadly missed here at Mountainview Village.

    Carolyn Monz

  • Jul 23, 2017
    We are saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Alan France, a long time friend. He grew up with my father here in Kelowna in the "between war" years. From the time he began his family practice in Kelowna until his retirement, he attended to the medical needs of four generations of our family. I too, remember the house calls, but I especially remember a spring day in 1969, when he met my father and I in the ER of KGH in the early morning hours, because I was suffering from acute appendicitis. He assisted the surgeon in an emergency removal of the offending appendage, then was at my bedside when I emerged from the anesthetic to tell me that it was the "angriest appendix I've ever seen".

    He was never too busy to stop and chat, and was highly respected by all who knew him, worked with him and were cared for by him. He will always be remembered.

    Our most sincere condolences to all his family.

    Laura (Vint) Paterson
  • Jul 23, 2017
    Mike and France family, so sorry for the loss of your father. As with so many of the other condolence messages, your dad was my family doctor until his retirement. He delivered both my daughters, one on Christmas Eve. He always had time to talk to his patients, and care about them on a personal not just professional level. They don't make 'em like that anymore. He will be missed.

    Barb Roberts (Tucker)

  • Jul 20, 2017
    Sue, Ken, Mike and families, with sympathy and caring for the loss of your dad, grand dad and friend . We all have wonderful memories of the great apres-ski pot luck parties hosted by the France family on the mountain. Alan was a man of many talents including being part of the hospital auxiliary chorus line dance group in a fund raising event for medical equipment at KGH. Being a soccer mom it was always comforting to know the wounds from the field would be attended to by a teammates dad. Wishing you only the best of memories. Liz Curell and family.

  • Jul 19, 2017
    Sincere condolences to the family. My memories of the Frances are from the early Big White days when we were neighbours up there. Some great times back then. Al was a wonderful man. I enjoyed having the chance to chat with him again at the Big White Racers reunion a few years back.


    Vera Ito
  • Jul 18, 2017
    Remembering a good neighbour and friend. Sending my sincere condolences to all his family. He will be missed.

    Trudy Philpott
  • Jul 17, 2017
    So many happy memories of working with him at GM and trading stories as to what means of air travel one or the other of us had tried lately. He will be sorely missed but it now flying the ultimate flight with Anne. Hugs to all of you. Deirdre Robinson (Gill)

  • Jul 17, 2017
    My condolences to the France family in the loss of your father, who was a remarkable person and our family doctor from the time he opened practice, I believe. He was always there in time of need, I have read through the comments of others and they all apply.

    May your wonderful memories carry you through your loss.

    Many thanks from Josephine Vint & family. It was an honor to have known him.
  • Jul 17, 2017
    Our condolences to Sue, Ken, Barney, and families. An outstanding life lived to the fullest by an exceptional man - Dr. Al will be missed by so many, but he remains a model to us all.

    Fond regards, Barry and Lynne Wright
  • Jul 14, 2017
    Thank you Dr. France for being the wonderful doctor and a caring, wonderful person. RIP. With respect your long time ago patient.

    Linda Ryder

  • Jul 14, 2017
    To the entire France Family,

    Your Dad, my Doctor was absolutely the kindest and most gentle of men. I phoned him one dark night, it was after 12 P.M. and he answered. Yes, he said, and I sobbed out that our pet dog had eaten a poisoned mouse and was convulsing. He with the utmost calm told me what to do. He was my family Doctor until he retired. After he lost his eyesight he always knew me by my voice. He was a super, fine man and now he walks among the stars. He has taken "the celestial transfer".

    Warm thoughts to his family.

    Lois Serwa.
  • Jul 13, 2017
    Dr. France was our family physician for my entire life up until his retirement. I remember when I heard he was retiring I was so upset. I couldn't imagine I would ever find another doctor as compassionate and caring and you know what? I never have. He was one of kind and will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Heartfelt condolences to his family on their loss.

    Mary Bjur (Embrey)
  • Jul 12, 2017
    I will miss Al very much. He had an indomitable and kind spirit; one that was a light to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. I am so grateful to have had the honour of celebrating his 95th birthday with him. It was a real celebration of a remarkable life. Love, Joan Lailey & Dan Sanson
  • Jul 11, 2017
    Dr. France was one of my very favorite people in this world, He was our family Dr, and was always so caring. He took great care of my family, and he always kept his promises, I was ill with severe depression and had to be hospitalized, and he kept his word and came to see me everyday. I am an elderly woman now but I will never forget him. To the family I send you my deep sympathies, he was a great man and doctor and will be remembered by many many people.
  • Jul 11, 2017
    Sue, Kenny, Barney and families...

    Sincere condolences on the passing of your Dad. He was a wonderful man and a very memorable part of our long family history here in Kelowna and at Big White. Your chalet balcony was one of the very best for jumping off when we were kids. Loved reconnecting at the Big White Racers Reunion.

    Mike Coulthard
  • Jul 11, 2017
    Dr. France was a way an important person in our family. He was our family Dr. until he retired. His personality & smile will be missed by many. Great man, great Kelowna citizen.

    Liz Borrett
  • Jul 11, 2017
    Dr. France was our family doctor before I married and remained my doctor until his retirement. He delivered my children, even driving down from Big White to deliver my second son. He did remark on my timing of that event. He always had time for everyone. He was so much more than a doctor.

    My sincere condolences, Janet (Clarke) Skubiak
  • Jul 11, 2017
    I only knew Dr. France, I called him Dr. Alan, for the past few years at Mountainview and became an instant friend of his. He was such a kind and loving man that I will never forget. We told each other many stories about Canada and England

    and I will cherish them all.

    Rest in peace my friend, now you're back with your Anne.

    Ann Litchfield
  • Jul 11, 2017
    Dr. France delivered me 63 years ago. I remember as a child he would come right to our house if we were sick and make sure that we were well taken care of. I remember the family as well. My condolences to all.

    RIP Doc.

    Sincerely, Roxanne LeMarchant (Raymer)
  • Jul 10, 2017
    Dr. France was our family Dr. I remember when we were waiting for my daughter to wake up before going skiing, he advised to wake her up and don't let her dictate our activities. I remember he was skidding logs to build his cabin at Big White with his 1968 Oldsmobile, we then went for mull wine, he was much more than a Dr. he was friend to all his patients.

    God Bless, Grant (Bud) Maddock
  • Jul 10, 2017
    Dr. France was my doctor from the time I was 5 years old until he retired. He was so kind and understanding and always had time for you, I even remember him making a house call when I was very little and very ill. Imagine my surprise when I was watching TV one night a few years ago and there was my Dr. France telling stories about his time in the war. A life well lived. He will be truly missed.

    Cathy Harding.

  • Jul 10, 2017
    Dr. France delivered me in 1958. My Mum Joan Chamberlain was very fond of him. He certainly was well liked and respected in the community. Thinking of the family.

    Patty McIntosh ( Chamberlain)
  • Jul 10, 2017
    On behalf of the family of Pat Wright, please accept our condolences. He was our family doctor for many years and we loved his calming manner and very wise advice. A gem of a man.
  • Jul 10, 2017
    My condolences to the France family, Dr. France was my mom's doctor for many years. He delivered me 48 years ago. May you rest in peace Dr France.

    Lisa Ismond.
  • Jul 10, 2017
    Dr France would have been the first face I saw when I was born. May he RIP.

    Nadine Kozub and the Kozub family
  • Jul 10, 2017
    Sad to hear of Dr. France's passing. He delivered me back on June 28th, 1960. Was my family doctor until his retirement. A kind and friendly man who will be missed by all who knew him.

    RIP Dr. France

    Randy Stewart
  • Jul 10, 2017
    Dr. France was a man who had a passion for Canada.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Domenic and Lina Rampone
  • Jul 10, 2017
    France family: Your father delievered my five children and was an awesome family doctor. He had a wonderful life. Cherish the memories.

    Donna Nicholas