Writer's Bloc
Let's talk about sex
By Fiona Patterson Do you remember the first time you had sex? Perhaps it was a romantic experience with your high-school sweetheart. Perhaps it was...
Turning houses into homes
By Tracy Head Why not make their house your dream home? Have you thought about a home that has most of the items on your wish list, but needs a little TLC? Many...
Relieving migraine pain
By Michael Côté Migraines cause throbbing or pulsating head pain that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. They usually start on one...
Life as an MP
Every week Parliament is in session our local MP is 3,274 kilometres away in Ottawa working. Have you ever wondered what exactly they do in Ottawa? How they...
Stop spring sneezing
By Michael Côté Spring can be a wonderful time of the year, but it is often when seasonal allergies are at their worst. For people who suffer from...
Arthritis message to Christy
Address B.C.’s growing burden of arthritis by improving arthritis care and treatment By Christine Basque Political leaders must commit to boosting the...
How about living little?
Innovative Solutions Required to Address Soaring Cost of Living Good grief, if you are anything like me, Kelowna’s current real estate market may be...
A life-changing gift
Give Yourself a Gift - smartUBC Mindfulness By Corinne Crockett Anxiety, depression and burn-out are familiar words that take on a whole new meaning when...
The myth of pregnancy
By Fiona Patterson Not all pregnancies feel like rainbows and sunsets. For many women, pregnancy is more like planning a trip to Italy, only to find out that...
Stuck qi upsets tummy
By Michael Côté In Chinese medicine, when we get abdominal discomfort, we say that qi is not moving properly. Qi (pronounced “chee” as...
Anxiety and acupuncture
By Michael Côté Anxiousness means fretting about what may happen. It’s fairly normal to experience it every once in while, but anxiety can...
Growing by quitting work
Intentional Unemployment: Taking a Risk to Discover Your Authentic Self By Kate Nestibo Identity Crisis Our jobs typically demand a great deal of our time and...
Innovative neighbours
Accelerate Okanagan digs into the downtown core to discover what local business owners and operators are most anticipating following the opening of the...
Site C to keep lights on
By Dave Conway BC Hydro set a new daily record for power consumption earlier this year as cold winter weather increased the demand for electricity. Of course,...
BC Greens defend forestry
By Dan Hines This year’s provincial Throne Speech provided a few passing sentences about B.C. forestry and the B.C. Liberal government’s approach in...
Make polls great again
By Shachi Kurl and Ian Holliday Pollsters and polling organizations are frequently the target of criticism, derision and disdain. People don’t like the...
Low fat adds fat
Did the Low-Fat Craze Make Us Fatter? By Brigitta Beer Travel back in time with me for a moment. Late 1980s, through the 1990s, and beyond when we were told...
Will of people dismissed
The People versus City Hall – Part Two By Dianne Varga Yesterday, I described how city council’s greenlighting of the takeover of public parkland...
People vs city hall
The people versus city hall – Part 1 By Dianne Varga Since the city decided to green light Tourism Kelowna’s takeover of public parkland,...
Little house in the city
By Tara Tschritter “What do you do for a living?” This question is within most peoples’ arsenal of small talk and often arises shortly after...