
We've just expanded our content

Readers have long counted on Castanet for breaking news.

That hasn't changed, but we've just bolstered our mix of regional, provincial, national and international news and local columns, sports and entertainment with some meatier content to chew on.

First, we added opinion editorials. Now, we've added a commentary page with op-eds on the big issues of the day from think-tanks of all political stripes from across Canada.

We've started the ball rolling with columns by Dermod Travis of IntegrityBC, Geoff Plant and Dylan Jones of the Canada West Foundation, and longtime Canadian business leader Gwynn Morgan. We'll add more columns each week, representing all colours of the political spectrum.

The intent is to engage readers in conversation on the issues that matter and, hopefully, drive more of your letters to the editor. We look forward to your lively discussion.

Also, we've just added a separate page for the WHL under sports, so Kelowna Rockets fans can find their coverage in its own dedicated space.

Stay tuned for more changes as we grow to serve you better.

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