The City of West Kelowna is looking for your input on two major planning initiatives designed to guide growth over the next 20 years.
Phase 2 of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and Phase 4 of the Official Community Plan (OCP) are both ready for review and public input.
The OCP’s new growth concept focuses most future growth in two urban centres, five neighbourhood centres and accommodates continued development beyond these centres with a focus on infill housing. It also enhances key economic opportunities in the city’s industrial and business park areas.
The TMP is being developed in conjunction with the OCP. This phase of the TMP recommends a future network for roads, transit and active transportation, based on how and where the City plans future growth.
“We are a fast-growing community and it’s important to hear from our residents as we update these guiding long-term plans,” said Mayor Gord Milsom.
“Input from the community will help shape our city now and into the future, building on the community vision to achieve a vibrant, walkable and connected West Kelowna.”
The present phase of consultation is open until Feb. 7.
Click here to provide feedback online.
A public information session will also be held Wednesday, Feb. 1 at Mount Boucherie Secondary from 4:30 until 8 p.m.