West Kelowna  

Construction of bowling alley, pub, restaurant moving along

Bowling alley moves ahead

The COVID-19 crisis has not put a stop to construction across the Central Okanagan.

On the Westside, construction workers have been busy with a pub, restaurant and bowling alley in the Okanagan Lake Shopping Centre for the past few months.

It's being built next to Tim Hortons in what was Bodhi Functional Training Centre.

Owners of Whiski-Jack's Pub are behind the project, which will be known as West Kelowna Bowl and Whiski-Jack's Pins and Pints.

Workers on site now are building out the pub and restaurant portion. One worker says he expects work to be finished in about two months.

However, he indicated those building out the bowling alley are out of Montreal, and unable to get here because of the pandemic.

Pubs and restaurants across the province have been shut down for about a month by order of the provincial health officer. Restaurants are only able to provide take-out and delivery service.

The company is advertising for a kitchen manager, with the hopes of being able to open sometime in the summer.

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