Weekly Commentary
Should goons win?
Firebombing a bank, or any building, is serious business. Videotaping the event and proudly displaying it for the world to see is deadly business. Using the...
They""re watching us
Seriously. I don't want you getting all paranoid, but it's true. They are out there. And they are watching us. Closely. I ran into them on my recent trade...
Asia and you
Montreal Canadiens taking it on the chin in game one, and the series in general, has been a total focus for Canadians from coast to coast. That's one of the...
Records broken
You actually may have missed the news. Not that it was your fault. It just didn't kick out a lot of headlines. I'm talking about the Statscan job numbers. They...
Deficit ""surprise""
So what happened? We said the projected federal deficit for this coming budget year would be $54 Billion. Many critics said it would be higher. Regular readers...
Calls and letters
When you're upset or concerned here in the constituency you do a pretty good job keeping me informed what's on your mind. Often times the things that make the...
Judging judges
Violent repeat offenders should be subject to mandatory jail time. Most of you here in the Okanagan-Coquihalla constituency have told me that. And most...
Skeleton déjà-vu
You thought he was fast at the Olympics? You should have seen gold medalist John Montgomery on Saturday…flying through the course as auctioneer at the Gala of...
Psst, secret numbers here
The mystery continues. Why the national media outlets dislike headlining positive news is something I have never figured out. No sense complaining or whining....
700 jobs!
Is '700 JOBS!' not good news? Hardly anyone I talked to this week had seen that headline on the front pages. Do you know why they hadn't seen it? It's because...
New laws and more gold
Around the world at any given time there are up to a couple of thousand Canadians in foreign jails. The majority are in US prisons, and not for political...
Our dollar""s up: why?
People worldwide like our loonie. Is it because we have more gold in the country since winning all those Olympic medals? Nope. There are a couple of reasons....
Post Olympic blues?
Monday morning a week ago the streets of Vancouver were quiet. Quiet? Yes! Especially compared to all the previous nights of the Winter Olympics. Only hours...
Now they believe!
They expected us as Canadians to be polite and we were. They expected us to say “sorry” or “excuse me” a lot and we did. They expected to hear a lot of...
All that glitters
Kristi Richards gave it all, but missed the gold with that last fall. This past Thursday night Val and I caught up with her, Gold medalist Alex Bilodeau and...
Moments of gold
Let's face it, the thought of gold excites the hearts and minds of most people. Its value on the market has dropped a bit from its stratospheric heights of a...
Jobs up - again
Jobs up…again. It's true. The employment numbers released on Friday showed an increase of 43,000 more people into the workforce. That's the fourth straight...
Canada scores big
Wondering what the rest of the world is thinking about us? For reasons I don't pretend to understand, national media doesn't normally emphasize the positive....
Canadians keep on giving
Canadians keep on giving, it's just the way we are. I'll let the anthropologists do all the historical reflection to try to explain what's in our social DNA....
What could be worse?
Haiti’s horrors will continue to be catalogued for a long time to come. Along with the accounts of utter despair and loss will be the stories of courage,...