
Hopalong Kassidy is doing fine

Update: Oct. 4, 4 p.m.: Dr. Oz at Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital says Kassidy is doing great after the surgery to remover her leg. She is now Hopalong Kassidy, she is learning to get by on three legs and the whole family is doing fine.

UPDATE: Oct 3, 4:30 p.m. - So far, so good. Dr. Oz at Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital contacted Castanet late Thursday afternoon to say Kassidy is now out of surgery and resting. A picture he forwarded shows Kassidy sleeping following the procedure to remove her front right leg with her pups taking the opportunity to get some nourishment.

Oct. 3, 3:20 p.m.: Kassidy, the dog with the injured leg, is getting her surgery today.

Dr. OZ of Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital in West Kelowna offered to perform the surgery for free.

Vernon branch manager Corinne Ross, says she was overwhelmed when Dr. Oz offered to do the surgery.

"We took her to him today, and she is currently still in the procedure, but is expected to make a full recovery."

Kassidy has also been reunited with her puppies, they are all at the clinic as one big happy family.

Ross says while the puppies were dehydrated and approximately 13-days-old, they were in good health and took to Kassidy right away.

"They are nursing from her and that is great news."

Donations have also been contributed to the shelter to help with Kassidy's post surgery care.

"We just want to thank everyone who helped by donating to the shelter for Kassidy," says Ross.

Once Kassidy has recovered from surgery, both her and the puppies will be placed in foster care. 

Click here to learn how you can help the shelter.

Original story Oct. 2: Kassidy was found on the side of the road, limping, her paw rubbed raw and bleeding.

She was rushed to the BC SPCA Vernon & District branch where she quickly stole staff hearts, as a kind and affectionate pup.

She will require expensive surgery to remove her injured leg.

The operation alone will cost about $1,000, plus current and post-operation care.

Kassidy’s paw is a birth defect, it caused her to drag it; the only option for the affected leg is amputation. 

She has also recently had puppies. They have not been located and the SPCA is also concerned about their condition.

“This poor, sweet girl deserves to experience better quality of life,” says Vernon branch manager Corinne Ross. “She looks like she’s only three or four years old and is a very adoptable little girl who needs a loving home.”

If you can help Kassidy and other animals like her in need at the Vernon & District Branch, please call 250-549-7297, drop by the branch at 4800 Haney Road in Vernon, or go to and click here to donate.

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