
Work on roundabout to PV Road and 39th Ave in Vernon to start this spring

New roundabout coming

Construction on a new roundabout in Vernon is scheduled to begin this spring.

At their regular meeting Monday, city council will receive an administration update on the project.

The construction contract has been awarded to CGL Contracting Ltd. for the Pleasant Valley Road and 39th Avenue roundabout project.

The project team will continue to update the public regarding road closures and detours as the project schedule and traffic management plans are finalized.

“The general project scope includes major grading at the intersection to accommodate the roundabout, left turn onto 20 Street, shallow/overhead utility restoration or relocation in 39th Avenue and PV Road, new curb, gutter, retaining walls, street lighting including pedestrian crossing flashers, associated drainage, sanitary and water works,” said the City of Vernon website.

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