
Vernon man, 26, guilty of sexually exploiting teen

Teen girl sexually exploited

A 26-year-old man who had sex with a teenage girl has been found guilty of sexual exploitation, but was acquitted of three other charges he was facing.

The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, appeared in Vernon court Monday to hear Judge Richard Hewson's decision on charges relating to a 15/16 year-old girl.

This story will refer to the man as QB and his victim as HL, which are not their real initials.

The pair met working at a fast food restaurant in the summer of 2021. QB was the victim's manager.

They became friends in the fall and began talking in increasing frequency over text messages, FaceTime and various social media platforms. The friendship was kept quiet from family, friends and coworkers.

At some point in winter 2021/22 the pair began having sexual contact with each other. HL told her mother about the relationship in February 2022, and her mother set up a meeting with the employer. Just before the meeting, HL told her mother about the sexual relationship and the police were called.

HL testified she did not want to be in a sexual relationship with QB and felt trapped, while QB testified the relationship was consensual.

“I am aware that consent is not a defence if HL was under the age of 16 years at the time of the incident,” said Judge Hewson.

HL was 15 when the pair met. She turned 16, the age of consent in Canada, in December. Hewson also said text messages from HL to QB show professions of love which do not align with someone feeling trapped in a relationship.

Hewson said the Crown did not prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the sexual relationship began prior to HL turning 16, or that HL did not consent to sexual contact.

QB had been charged, but was found not guilty, of sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching under 16 and sexual interference to person under 16.

Hewson found QB guilty of sexual exploitation as “the Crown has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that QB was in a position of authority towards HL when he engaged in sexual contact with her all while being fully aware of her age.”

In cases where there is a relationship of trust, authority or dependency, the age of consent in Canada is 18.

Sentencing for QB will be scheduled on May 13.

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