For $20 you can have a good time while helping a good cause.
Proceeds for HOPE Outreach's Comedy for a Case featuring Chris Gordon will go to the Jewels of Hope program.
The show takes place March 1 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Dakodas Comedy Lounge, 1574 Harvey Ave.
HOPE Outreach operates in the North and Central Okanagan, helping those on the fringes of society.
“These funds will support our program, helping women on Kelowna and Vernon streets find a safe space to gather, eat and make bracelets for an honorarium,” said Caitlyn Parkison.
HOPE provides nighttime outreach seven days a week for the identified women of Kelowna and Vernon who are experiencing different types of homelessness, living in addiction, exploited or at risk of being exploited by others, and working in sex work.
“Our first priority is supporting their immediate and basic needs while being on the street. From there our services are developed to complement and fulfil gaps within the service provider community to support an individual’s journey no matter where they are within that continuum of care,” said a statement on the HOPE Outreach website.
“This ranges from a Narcan team to support the overdose crisis, our monthly community nights which provides identified women and girls with educational opportunities, and further supporting and connecting them to housing, recovery, and health service providers we know and trust within our network.”
Tickets for the comedy fundraiser can be purchased online.