
Bat Friendly Communities looking for volunteers in Vernon and surrounding area to help bats

Be bat friendly

Volunteers are needed for a batty project.

Bat Friendly Communities Program is looking for people in the North Okanagan to help with outreach and advocacy for the conservation of bats and their habitat.

The group is looking for biologists, naturalists, wildlife enthusiasts, students and community members wanting to make a difference for wildlife.

According to a press release from BFC, bats are exceptional neighbours. They excel at insect control, benefiting residents and local agriculture by reducing mosquitoes and other pests.

Bats also respect personal boundaries. They avoid direct interaction with humans, sleep during the day and become active at night.

Bats also have high “site fidelity,” meaning they return to the same area every year and they can live for decades, providing long-term benefits to local ecosystems.

BFC is looking for people to engage with the members of the communities and spread factual information about bats; engage in outreach activities and events as well as help identify local priorities for bat-friendly management.

The team will work to garner the support of the local government in protecting bats and their habitat.

A community can be certified as a bat friendly by:

  • Protecting, creating and enhancing habitat for bats,
  • Promoting learning, awareness and appreciation of bats.

So far, Dawson Creek, Peachland, Richmond, Delta, Port Moody and Comox have been certified as bat-friendly communities.

For more information, visit the Bat Friendly Communities website or their Facebook page.

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