Work continues towards making a 'Paddle Trail' that would span the length of Kalamalka Lake.
An update to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee notes that since approval of the project in 2019, staff have gathered information from the City of Kelowna, where a similar project was completed, and communicated with potential partners the District of Coldstream, City of Vernon, District of Lake Country, Okanagan Indian Band, and Kalavida Surf Shop.
Transport Canada and the provincial government were also consulted regarding regulations for placement of buoys.
The paddle trail would see 43 buoys installed in Kalamalka Lake.
They would be placed approximately every 500 metres as trail markers to help delineate the paddle zone near the shoreline.
A second phase would eventually add a similar trail on Okanagan Lake.
The GVAC report states: "The purpose of the proposed paddle trails was to provide additional recreational amenities to the public, to reduce conflicts between motorized and non-motorized water vessels, and to help encourage motorized boat use away from the shoreline and reduce wake/erosion."
Thirty-two of the Kal Lake buoys would be within RDNO boundaries, at a cost of $37,772. Eleven would be within the District of Lake Country, which would contribute $11 ,276.
RDNO staff report both Coldstream and Lake Country are supportive of the project.
Provincial approvals for the project are currently sitting with Front Counter BC for initial processing.