
Roster campaign supports Vernon Salvation Army and Turning Points

Dishing out kindness

Vernon's The Roster Sports Club Bar & Grill is dishing out the kindness this holiday season.

The Roster launches its third annual Dish Out the Kindness campaign for the month of December, supporting the Salvation Army food bank and Turning Points Collaborative Society.

"The past few years has taken a toll on our community, and these are just two organizations that need our help more than ever," says owner Hussein Hollands.

"The Salvation Army does so much for our most vulnerable citizens ... the need in our community has never been greater. Equally saddening is the housing crisis which has led to greater homelessness and a host of related challenges."

Turning Points provides outreach, shelter services and various housing options for the vulnerable.

With any regular-price entree, the Roster will donate $5 toward a $6,000 goal, and will also give $5 from all gift certificate purchases of $50 or more.

"This is really incredible and coming at such an important time," says Turning Points spokesperson Laurie Case.

"The number of people living outside right now is just terrible. The housing crisis in Vernon is hitting more people than ever before – which means the need for our services has never been greater."

Funds raised will support Turning Points' outreach team.

"Our organization relies on the generosity of the community to provide the numerous resources and services we do," said Jen Thompson, Vernon Corps Officer with the Salvation Army.

Last year’s fundraiser raised $6,000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association and Salvation Army House of Hope.

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