Coldstream officials have given thumbs up to a 'glampground' on Learmouth Road.
Utopia Feels Botanical Glampground is nestled in what used to be an old nursery.
“At Utopia Feels, we believe in micro-farming. We started this as a commitment to farming sustainably and to show, as an example, how to live in harmony with nature,” the company's website states.
“Although we are just starting out, we will heavily invest in our location to bring agri-tourism and agri-innovation to the forefront of people's minds.”
In a report to council, Ryan Raycroft, with the development services department, said the “applicant has been operating an agri-tourism operation with an overnight component since last year on this site.
“The applicant was in consultation with the Agricultural Land Reserve, which indicated the use is permitted. ALR staff did not know Coldstream does not permit agri-tourism accommodation at this time. Agri-tourism is a permitted use in the ALR and may not be prohibited by the local government. Agritourism accommodation, however, is allowed in the ALR, but only if also permitted by the local government.”
The report goes on to state temporary use permits are all "one-offs," considered on the merits of the individual application.
Council approved a one-year temporary-use permit with several conditions:
- That no more than 10 agri-tourism accommodations are permitted.
- That no permanent structures are permitted for agri-tourism accommodation use.
- That all accommodation activities be set back at least 20 m from neighbouring properties or Learmouth Road.
- That no parking associated with overnight accommodation be permitted on Learmouth Road.
- That no noise associated with agri-tourism accommodation be permitted between the hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- That no lighting shall be erected in conjunction with the accommodation that unduly interferes with the enjoyment of surrounding properties.
- This permit is not intended to allow long-term agri-tourism accommodation.
Glamping is a catchphrase for "glamorous camping."
Earlier this month, Historic O'Keefe Ranch received funding for a proposed glamping park of its own.