
Car fire not suspicious

Vernon Fire Rescue were called to a car fire early Sunday morning.

At 4:53 a.m., crews were summoned to the 6300 block of Okanagan Landing Road where they found a car in flames.

VFR Cpt. Brent Bond said the fire was quickly put out, and there were no injuries.

Bond said the fire is not suspicious in nature, but the Vernon RCMP are investigating nonetheless.

He would not say why the fire is not considered suspicious.

This is the second call for a vehicle fire in less than a week for the fire department.

On Wednesday, crews responded to a three-vehicle fire on Davison Road. That incident has been deemed suspicious.

Fire Chief Keith Green said the blaze, which started just before 4 a.m. Wednesday, on the 3000 block of Davison Road, was “in an obscure location.”

Green said an investigation has failed to find any reason for the vehicles to catch fire.

“It's suspicious, but we haven't identified a cause,” he said.

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