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The right choice for mayor



Some people say it's rare to meet a person living in Kelowna that is born and raised here. I don't consider myself rare, I consider myself lucky. Since my 1985 inception to this great city I have been blessed to live and encompass all that the Okanagan has to offer. Being able to raise my family and grow an entrepreneurial portfolio in Kelowna has always been my first choice and continues to be one of my best decisions to date. If I had to use one word to describe Kelowna, it would be FAMILY. Very much the same way my children have grown up and changed before my eyes, so has Kelowna. Both cases have encountered great success, as well as their share of growing pains. It's no secret that Kelowna's landscape boasts magnificent beauty, but it is the people that really make our city so amazing. That is because we are much more than just citizens among buildings, we are a family among friends.

“You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.”
It is an old adage many are familiar with, as well as a statement I choose to disagree with. Not only do I choose to be your friend and family, I choose to run for office in order to represent us all with leadership that respects, regards and values all who choose to make Kelowna home. I choose Kelowna because it is as genuine as it is first class. I hope you choose to elect Bobby Kennedy for Mayor on Oct. 20, 2018, for the exact same reasons.


There was a time in history where someone's word meant everything and a handshake was all that you needed to confirm that. There was a time where doing the right thing wasn't just an option, it was a way of life and moral integrity wasn't just a quality found in some, it was the benchmark that defined all. It seems more and more these days that people’s words can change as easily as their Facebook status and that saying what you mean doesn't necessarily prove that you mean what you say. This seems to be especially true when it comes to politics and the promises surrounding them. When it comes to promises and guarantees to the people I can only make one that regardless of how the future unfolds I can 100% stand and deliver on without hesitation. That promise is that my word is my bond and that every decision and choice I make for Kelowna as Mayor will be made with full integrity retaining to what is the absolute best choice for the people of Kelowna to carry us forward and prosper us as a community. When it comes to community based decisions I look to the four P’s: Progression, Passion, People and Pride.

We will ask ourselves: Is this decision propelling Kelowna forward? Are we passionate about our plan? Does this benefit the people of our community? And finally: Will we be proud of this decision regardless of the outcome?

If we always make our choices based on the four P's then we will always have decisions based around fundamental principles that create a solid foundation for success. I cant guarantee that every decision made will be easy or correct but I can guarantee that no decision will ever be made without our inner integral compass leading the way.

“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

Redefining our leadership's commitment to community,
Bobby Kennedy

Authorized by financial agent Bobby Kennedy, 250-870-2627

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