The Art of Speaking
What to expect at your first Toastmasters meeting
Embed Code: So. you’re thinking about joining Toastmasters to brush up on your public speaking skills, but you have no idea what to expect? Don’t...
Using your LinkedIn account to post more than just an online resume
The catchy slogan “set it and forget it” was coined decades ago by infomercial star, Ron Popeil. While the phrase was used to describe the Ronco...
Why it's a good idea to start your own podcast
Why on Earth should you consider launching a podcast for yourself or your business? I was on a flight from Kelowna to Toronto four years ago, and halfway...
Three things to do before speaking in public
Glossophobia — better known as the fear of public speaking — is a condition that is believed to affect approximately 75 per cent of the population....
Can you make a lasting impression in a few seconds?
An effective elevator speech is a bantam biography you can use to intrigue a listener in the 20 to 30 seconds it takes to ride several floors on an elevator....
How to deliver a Powerpoint presentation that isn't boring
By Wade Paterson Many business-related presentations leverage visual aids — such as Powerpoint slides — as supplemental content to enhance the...
Journaling to excellence
By Caren S. Neile What do grunge rocker Courtney Love, the late South African President Nelson Mandela, and explorer Marco Polo have in common? You may be...
Communicate like a leader
By Wade Paterson There’s a famous Voltaire quote you’ve likely heard at some point in your life: “Judge a man by his questions, rather than by...
How to speak with humour
By Nick Jack Pappas Everyone wants to be funny. It starts with memories of the grade school class clown causing fits and giggles and taking eyes and ears away...
Four common mistakes new speakers make
By Wade Paterson The concept of public speaking was redefined in March 2020. Instead of standing on a stage — or at the front of a boardroom — and...
Give great wedding speech
Over the past 1 ½ years, weddings have looked a bit different than they previously did. Large parties with crowded dance floors and endless hugs have...
The lost art of penmanship
By John Cadley Toastmaster Magazine I took notes for this column and I can’t read them, which is ironic since the topic is handwriting, otherwise known...
Losing a tattoo argument
By John Cadley Toastmaster Magazine By I wish I had joined the debate team in high school. My reason for not doing so was the reason you don’t do anything...
Words are like matches
When you play with words, your meaning could go up in smoke. By John Cadley I was in a men’s clothing store recently when I happened upon a display of...
You think that's funny?
By John Cadley Toastmaster Magazine It’s one thing to write a humour column, and quite another to write a humour column about humour. The latter requires...
5 common Zoom mistakes
By Wade Paterson In 2020, many of us were introduced to Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms. While this technology is helpful in allowing us to maintain...
Talk away your fear
Reasons to Join Toastmasters By Wade Paterson Have you been thinking about joining a Toastmasters Club, but you’re not sure if it’s the right thing...
Paint verbal pictures
Painting the verbal picture creates descriptive images by drawing on common experience By Bill Brown Toastmaster Magazine The goal of speaking and speech...
Leave better voice mails
8 ways to make your voicemail matter By Joel Schwartzberg Toastmaster Magazine Even with so many ways to communicate in the business world, phone calls have not...
Mom had a way with words
By John Cadley Toastmaster Magazine My mother loved to read, and she remembered what she’d read. Whatever situation I found myself in as a child, she...