
Disruptive innovation

Last night I was privileged to be able to speak at the Greater Westside Board of Trade business awards dinner.
I talked about Innovation and Collaboration which are two very interesting words that require one other important word - cooperation.
In so many facets of our lives we deal with Cooperation Agreements, yet in actual fact they are in pure form a Non-Cooperation Agreement. They have a habit of being formal documents which define what we won’t do together instead of what we will do together. 
The problem I believe stems from the fact that we see ourselves as partners in an agreement, fighting to stake out our turf rather than team players on the same team fighting for the ultimate objective.
At the end of the day, if you research Innovation you will find that the rule of 3 M’s applies:
You will either MAKE the future, MEET the future or MISS the future. 
I found the contrast between Innovation and Traditional models very interesting.  Take a look at the columns below and make a determination of where you sit in your organization. Are you fighting to “sustain” or to “innovate”?
Present to Future planning frameworks to the present! Start with the end in mind and working back
Rule maker framework Rule breaker framework
Accepts present boundaries Sees no boundaries
Focus on incremental innovation Adopts disruptive innovation
Discipline Inspiration
Technology driven Consumer driven

In the end, the quest to reach profitability, stability and execute a business plan reduces divergent thinking which allows entrepreneurs to explore the peripheries of their model and tune in to innovation with disruptive thinking.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

For the past twenty years Mark has been involved in real estate development and consulting and is currently a REALTOR with Sage Executive Group in Kelowna.

His column, brings a unique perspective on what may be important to us in the future as we come to grips with fast paced change in a world that few people barely recognize.

His influences come from the various travels he undertakes as an Adventurer, Philanthropist and Keynote Speaker. More information can be found on Mark at his website www.markjenningsbates.com


The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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