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Listen to what your dog is thinking

Dog lovers are not shy about talking to their pets, but the communication is mostly an exchange of barks and guesses…unless you put on the No More Woof device on your four-legged friend. Creator NSID (Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery) recently launched a fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo to develop the first ever device that can translate a dog’s brainwaves into English.

So how does the gadget work? Well, No More Woof detects canine brainwave patterns and translates them to human speech through a speaker. So far, it can detect brainwave patterns related to curiosity, excitement, hunger and fatigue. At this point, No More Woof only speaks English, but the Scandinavian developers said French, Mandarin and Spanish are on the horizon. 

The NSID has already surpassed its $10,000 funding goal and plans to deliver the first units in April. Those who pledged $65 will receive the NMW Micro which is capable of distinguishing two to three brainwave patterns. Backers who donated $300 will get the NMW Standard which can understand four or more brainwave patterns. This model will also support upgrades as the developers conduct additional research and incorporate support for new and more complex patterns.

“Right now we are only scraping the surface of possibilities; the project is only in its cradle.” the NSID team said on their IndieGoGo page. “And to be completely honest, the first version will be quite rudimentary. But hey, the first computer was pretty crappy too.” 

While that may be, the project has the potential to revolutionize our relationship with pets and animals. The mere concept of the invention has drawn global attention landing No More Woof on the pages of Wired, Time, Forbes, The Huffington Post, among others.

Visit www.nomorewoof.com for more details.

About the author: Brad Parsons is the owner of Sticky Consulting, an Internet marketing & web consulting company based in Kelowna, BC.


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