Castanet readers were not shy about making their feelings known after we published a photo showing three dog carriers strapped to the back of an SUV travelling along Highway 97 outside of Penticton. Most readers chimed in loud and clear about their disgust at what they saw - some even taking exception with statements from the SPCA.
Here is a sample of your thoughts.
I saw this picture, and read this article, and still could not believe it. Would the drivers in this car (who possibly have small children if the bikes on top of the vehicle are any indication), ever think of putting their son or daughter in those cages strapped precariously to the back of the vehicle? Probably not. They are probably not monsters. They are, however, likely quite obtuse.
Needless to say, I remain unimpressed by the SPCA's response to the matter. The responsibility of such a society is deterring other people who look to them for guidance from committing just such senseless and hairbrained acts. "Never put your animals in an unsafe situation, or you will be liable for cruelty to animals charges" seems to be the only appropriate response to this episode.
Thank you, Castanet, for sharing the story. Hopefully those animals remain alive, and not scarred for life by the 100 km/hour road trip from hell.
Alessandra Woodward
If this isn't a case of animal cruelty, I don't know what is!! What are those people thinking? Did anyone check to see if they had any of their kids back there too??? If your furry friends can't ride with you (inside) for heaven's sake..........leave them at home!!
Eileen Dalgleish
Exhaust gas can kill so why would anyone subject pets to this while driving. Carbon monoxide is what you sometimes see coming out of a tailpipe and most times its invisible to the naked eye but it's still harmful.
Ron Fagrie
I am writing in regards to your request for response to the article "Caged pets taken for a ride". To put it bluntly, I am shocked and disgusted at the fact that not only did this happen, but that no one stopped the vehicle and contacted authorities. Live animals being treated like luggage is reprehensible and borderline criminal behaviour. The law requires us to respect the safety and well being of all animals, yet for some reason this is ignored time and time again. The fact that the people in the vehicle find it acceptable to do this makes me question their place in society, as good judgement and reason are clearly something they struggle with. I have spent the past 29 years in close and constant contact with animals, and having seen their ability to learn, love, and develop on both an emotional and intellectual level, I am of the opinion that they truly do function at a higher level than most people give them credit for and subsequently deserve to be treated accordingly.
I can only hope that this situation will help bring light to an ongoing struggle to get animals the respectful treatment they deserve.
Ryan H.
There are people who shouldn't be allowed to have pets ever. There are people who should not be allowed to drive ever. The person who is driving that car with the dogs on the bumper falls into both categories. I only wish there were stronger laws to throw at this person.
Barbara Carter
APPALLING is the first word that came to mind! Second thought was are they NUTTS! The crate is hanging over the exhaust and all the heat and elements from the road I see they have wee bikes strapped to the top of their vehicle. Why not just strap the kids to the back bumper as well - after all - IT MUST BE SAFE! That is CRUEL and UNSAFE! That dog should be taken away from them, as who knows next time it could very well be their kids!
Debbie Gardner
However not everyone shares the same sentiment.
Judging from the outside of the vehicle, this was a family with at least 3 toddler aged children, would the SPCA and the complainant prefer they ride in the carriers and the pets inside the vehicle? It's time to realize that while there is value to the life of an animal, it is not of higher value than a humans, and to say their concerned about the animals being exposed to the elements, really!?! They're ANIMALS, before we started giving them beds, jackets and heated rooms, they lived OUTSIDE 24/7.
Todd Greening
The power of the English language. I am a dog lover but an important note is the dog cages are not "balancing on the bumper" they are in a rear carrier which normally has the capacity to carry 500lbs or more. Of properly secured they are not falling off. As far as exposure it is probably better the in a back of a pick up. That is my thoughts
George Carr