There will be plenty of places in the South Okanagan to celebrate Canada's 146th birthday.
Penticton has festivities planned for July 1 in Gyro Park in the city's downtown, including culture, entertainment, free cake, balloons and much more.
Osoyoos will mark the day with the Cherry Fiesta, presented by the Osoyoos Festival Society. The fun includes entertainment, cherry pit spitting, cherry pie eating and craft and food venues.
This is the 65th year of the event in Osoyoos. It coincides with the start of the cherry season in the Okanagan.
In Oliver, there will be a free pancake breakfast and face painting from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Oliver Community Centre.
At Manitou Park in Naramata there will be activities including a flag raising ceremony, games and family fun for all.