
New Canadians learn to swim

Sandeep Thind never learned to swim while growing up in India, because the pool in her city was always too full.

Now she  jumps into water and floats with no fear,  thanks to a class for new Canadians offered at the Penticton Community Centre.

"I started with four noodles and now I don't use any," she said. "It was always my dream to learn swimming, and I feel so proud."

The new class  is a collaboration between the South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services and community centre.

It came about after Anka Novosel, executive director for the immigrant services organization, approached the centre earlier this year.

"When I came here, I didn't see visible minorities swimming at the beaches, and when I started talking to immigrants and asking if they could swim, many said they could not," she said. "It seemed to create a division of some kind between the people who had lived here for a long time and the newcomers. So I decided to bridge the gap a little."

The centre staff developed a swim class that gives novice swimmers the tools they need to enjoy water activities.

There are about 15 to 20 swimmers, ranging in age from their early 20s to seniors,  from countries including India, Vietnam and Cambodia, in the pilot project.

Beginners have learned how to float and jump in the water in the class that started in early June. Those, who had some swimming skills to begin with, learned how to dive in the water, backstroke and front crawl, treading water and how to save a drowning person.

On Thursday morning, head lifeguard/instructor Kayla Rheaume and a group of eager students kicked and splashed their way up and down a single lane in the pool.

Min Zhang from China and Wey Leang from Cambodia, described it as one of the best experiences of their lives.

"I was scared at first, because I had never tried it before," said Zhang. "But now I am very happy I can float in the water."

Leang said the swimming was good exercise.

"I'm now used to being in the water," he said. "Most importantly, I learned how to save a life."

The swimming class will continue in July.

Those interested, can contact South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services at (250) 492-6299.







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