The winner of the Photo Caption Contest is...
...Omer Vatour of Kelowna.
Omer has won $50 for his submission of "Can you just get me to the other side of the road and don't look at any head-lights!!!"
Paula Fowler took second place and $25 with:
"Deer me, so this is what you get when you pay the City Manager chicken feed."
Honourable mention goes to Terry Notter for:
"Now the people of Penticton will know how the chicken got to the other side of the road!"
Here are a few more captions:
Traci Greggain - "We're not going to KFC are we?"
Reg Volk - "Why did the chicken cross the road?
To pedal the deer around."
Kyle - "Did u see former mayor / councillor Mike Pierce hiding in the bushes over there?"
S. Pauling - "Oh deer..... We better pedal or they'll think we're too chicken to ride a bike!"
Evie - "I wouldn't be doing this with him if it was hunting season."
Peter Urmetzer- "That university degree is really paying off, isn't it?"
Rob Duncan - "Deer, please stop the bike... I think I just laid an egg."
Keath Kemper - "Hey Annette....You make a great wing man!"
Jordin Dunsmuir - "Our hero, John Deere although relieved he no longer had a monkey on his back, was concerned about the chicken behind him!"
W.Williams - "Your tax dollars at work."