Members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 40 in Penticton have officially asked for permission to sell their building on Martin Street if necessary.
A vote was made on the matter at their general monthly meeting on April 15.
“Everyone who is a member in good standing has to be informed in writing before the building can actually be sold,” said President Murray Grandy.
A representative of the BC/Yukon Command was at the meeting and is aware of the situation, he said.
The problems at the long existing legion mostly stem from more money going out than coming in.
The money being spent adds up to about $40,000 a year for expenses including heat, light and whatever else it takes to keep the building running.
Membership is $45 a year, but they only keep $10 of that, with the rest going to command.
The legion was recently further burdened when someone stole $1,200. It was believed to be an inside job and members went in to take lie detector tests, said Grandy
The investigation into the theft is ongoing.
It is still Grandy’s hope the building will remain open.
There have been some positive signs.
All it takes to be a member of the legion is to be a Canadian citizen of good standing.
And since news stories on the issue were published, quite a few young people in their 20s and 30s have shown an interest in membership.
“People are filtering in, and I just hope we can get enough interest to make them come back to our events, so we get enough money coming in to pay our bills,” he said.