New and improved transit stops could soon be coming to the rural Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen communities of Gallagher Lake and Hedley.
At Thursday's meeting, the RDOS board voted to apply for two grant funding opportunities, one of which would help fund a dedicated transit stop for the Route 40 Osoyoos-Penticton bus in Gallagher Lake.
“The Gallagher Lake community bus stop was one of Director [Rick] Knodel’s passions, and this is the first step of making that happen,” CAO Jim Zaffino said.
Knodel, longtime elected director for rural Oliver including Gallagher Lake, died earlier this month.
Further funding may also be obtained to upgrade the current Hedley transit stop, including a safe hutch-style shelter design.
Should the grant applications be successful, both projects could be funded without a cost to RDOS taxpayers.