
BC Wildlife Federation speaks out 'absolutely opposed' to new Summerland gravel mine

Firmly against new mine

The B.C. Wildlife Federation has come out vehemently against a proposed gravel mine near Summerland that has been stirring up strong feelings.

In a press release issued Tuesday, BCWF opined that the proposed operation on Garnet Valley Road would "undo millions of dollars of investment and years of conservation work," adding they are "absolutely opposed."

They are not alone. A citizen group, the Garnet Valley Agritourism Association and district staff, among others, have expressed hesitation and concerns. Summerland council is expected Tuesday to vote on whether to send a letter to the province denouncing the project.

“Garnet Valley has been the recipient of large investments in habitat restoration through the collaborations between our association, Penticton Indian Band, Ministry of Forests, South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program, and the Conservation Officer Services,” said Blair Parker, vice president of the Summerland Sportsman's Association.

“Vast sections of this valley have been acknowledged as having very high environmental sensitivity and are one of only a handful of places in Canada where you can find these grassland ecosystems.”

The mine, says BCWF, threatens to "compromise a winter and spring feeding location and birthing zone for mule deer, which are in decline."

“The valley is a highly diverse landscape with open forest, sensitive wetlands and unique south-facing grasslands,” said Jesse Zeman, executive director of BCWF.

“The valley is inside the study area of the Southern Interior Mule Deer Project, an independent research effort funded by the B.C. Wildlife Federation.”

The valley is also frequented by big horn sheep, a vulnerable species, and is surrounded by farms and agritourism businesses.

Feb. 2 is the deadline for interested parties to send their thoughts for or against the mine to the chief permitting officer of mines, Ministry of Energy, Mines & Low Carbon Innovation by email [email protected]

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