The 2023 BC Thanksgiving Food Drive in Penticton was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work of dozens of volunteers and community sponsors.
This Saturday, roughly 80 volunteers drove around the city picking up filled donation bags left on porches, which had been distributed earlier in the week.
They also collected bags from most of the major grocery stores, where bags had been left for convenience for shoppers who wished to participate.
One anonymous donor couple even filled up an entire shopping cart, leaving it all to the cause.
In all, 11,000 pounds of food were donated to the Salvation Army Food Bank to help combat hunger in Penticton.
"Once again, Pentictonites have shown that they care about those in the community who may be struggling," said food drive coordinator Mike Keith.
"In the face of ever-increasing prices and the pressures and stress that higher inflation puts on a family with a fixed income, the people of Penticton chose to dig into their pockets and give of their own substance to help their own. That is the mark of a great town and a fantastic community that people love to be a part of."
Keith is grateful to all volunteers and local businesses and organizations who participated.
For more information about getting involved with next year's drive, email [email protected]