A home has been completely gutted by a fire on Grand Oro Road near Twin Lakes on Thursday morning.
The area has no fire protection.
Subrina Monteith, area director for Twin Lakes, said her heart goes out to the family who lost their home.
She added that she continues to be in communication with the rural community in regard to getting a fire brigade started.
"There is a group of individuals that have started a society in the Twin Lakes area and operation right now is to focus on FireSmart, and then move forward to investigating whether the community does want fire protection."
Smoke can still be seen coming from the area as the home is left to burn to the ground.
BC Wildfire Service confirmed they had an officer on scene.
"Because that was a structural fire, that wasn't a BC Wildfire response. There was one officer who went out there to observe and make sure that it didn't spread into the interface, just kind of keep an eye on things, but it was not our response," BCWS said.