
Curbside recycling referendum

Curbside recycling is going to a referendum in one South Okanagan area.

Residents in Electoral area ‘A’ in Penticton will be asked whether they support the continuation of residential Curbside Garbage and Recycling in their area.

The referendum on the pilot program will take place during local government elections on November 15.

Board chair for the Regional District of the Okanagan Similkameen, Dan Ashton, says in 2008 homeowners were charged $10 per month for the pilot program.

“This cost for homeowners was based on what the RDOS now pays for the contracted pickup service. Due to higher contractor costs scheduled in 2009, the RDOS will need to increase Curbside Garbage and Recycling pickup rates next year. If residents choose to continue the program the RDOS is expected to charge just over $12 per month or $145 per year for the program in 2009,” says Ashton.

He say the increased rates are due in part to both higher fuel and operation costs.

“The service next year would be identical to the current pilot service with weekly garbage and biweekly recycling pickups along with seasonal yard waste collections and one bulky item pickup per year.”

If voters elect to continue the program, bills will be sent out once a year in early summer.

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