
Fire damages Penticton home

Fire at a home on McCulloch Drive in Penticton late Wednesday afternoon caused significant damage to a bedroom and smoke damage to the rest of the home.

Penticton Fire Chief, Wayne Williams, says investigators at the scene Thursday morning have determined the cause of the blaze.

"They have determined the probable cause is combustible materials placed up against a baseboard heater," says Williams.

"We do know the people in the home were doing some renovations and they had moved some of their furniture into that room, so something may have been placed up against the heater and caught fire."

Williams says the elderly couple was home at the time, but says they were able to get out unharmed.

He says this should serve as a simple warning to people who have baseboard heaters in their homes.

"Don't put stuff around baseboard heaters. They can produce heat and heat up other materials that could eventually catch fire."

Williams says the couple was insured.

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