
Watch pair of Osoyoos ospreys raise their family through free live stream, running 24/7

Watch ospreys raise babies

Chelsea Powrie

The Osoyoos osprey camera is back, focused 24/7 on a mating pair atop a decommissioned FortisBC pole.

Each spring, the town in partnership with Fortis turns on the camera as an educational opportunity for the public to watch the birds, which mate for life, raise their family.

This year, two eggs have already been laid. Fans, many of whom follow along through an active Facebook group, are hoping they will survive. The past two years have seen no babies live past infancy.

Dale Belvedere with SORCO Raptor Rehabilitation Centre has spoken to Castanet in the past about what to expect in an ideal year.

"They like to nest somewhere near water because they fish. And they usually have between two and three babies per couple," she said.

Watch live here as the birds build their nest, incubate their eggs and deliver fish, and hopefully, see some young hatching in about a month.

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