
No rural director races yet

With the nomination deadline for municipal elections just over 24 hours away, there currently isn't more than one candidate for director in any of the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen's rural areas.

The RDOS will be adding a ninth rural zone on Oct. 20, Area I, and to date eight areas have one nominee who has filed paperwork.

The only area without any candidate currently is Area F (West Bench). Incumbent director Michael Brydon has been in the position for 10 years and isn't seeking a fourth term.

"I want some change and I think it's good for the community to have some change as well. Ten years is a long time for one person, one set of ideas, one approach to problem-solving," Brydon said.

He added though that it's "a little alarming" no one has put their name forward yet.

"I think for an organization the size of the RDOS, it would be unprecedented to have a vacancy like this. But on the other hand, we don't want to just attract people who think 'oh, no one else is running.' My hope is that people would be organized and committed to this and have done their homework."

So far four incumbent directors have filed paperwork to seek re-election: current board chair Karla Kozakevich (Area E, Naramata), Mark Pendergraft (Area A, rural Osoyoos), George Bush (Area B, Cawston) and Bob Coyne (Area H, rural Princeton).

There are new prospective candidates declared in four areas: current Area C alternate director Rick Knodel (rural Oliver), former Area D director Bill Schwarz (OK Falls/ Skaha East), as well as first-timers Manpreet Uppal (Area G, rural Keremeos/ Hedley) and Subrina Monteith (Area I, Kaleden/ Twin Lakes/ Apex/ Skaha West).

The deadline to submit paperwork is Friday. 

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