
Senior Citizen Of The Year

Bill Slessor is unsure why his fellow senior citizens singled him out.

The newly-named Senior Citizen of the year is modest about his win.

“I was very surprised to receive that award because there are various senior's organizations around the city that select someone of their choice and then these names are put together and then they decide by vote. I can just say there are a number of people who are worthy of this award and I am very honoured to receive it,” says Slessor.

Slessor has lived in Penticton for about 40 years and has retired from the insurance business, but is hardly lacking for things to do.

He is a member of the Senior's Advisory Committee, he is in charge of publicity for the Jazz Festival, and is part of the Ambassador Program at the Trade and Convention Centre. And he plays a mean game of golf.

“There's an old saying that goes, 'born to golf, forced to work,” says Slessor.

His family is very proud of his accomplishment.

“He finally said we can stop calling him 'your highness',” jokes daughter Karen.

Slessor says volunteering is a good way to keep up on things.

“It gives you a good view point, I think it is good for everybody, especially if you are a little lonely,” says Slessor.

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