
Peachland rezoning approved amid concerns over neighbours' lake views

View impacts to be minimal

Two homes may have their lake views partially blocked by a new development in the Lower Princeton Avenue area of Peachland.

The potential obstruction was the source of a lot of consternation at last week's council meeting.

Council was debating whether to grant third reading to a rezoning application that would allow a 52-unit townhome project to be built between Princess Street and Highway 97.

“At this point as it is proposed now .... one or two homes across the street ... would be affected,” planner Nisha Gnanasingarajan told council.

The obstruction would only be visible from the ground floor of those homes, which are located higher up the hillside.

Coun. Rick Ingram, attending the meeting virtually from Ottawa, said he was disappointed a covenant wasn’t being used to restrict the heights of the townhomes. The developers had told planners they didn’t want height limits imposed through a covenant.

Coun. Terry Condon expressed concerns about traffic and emergency access to the site.

As the debate passed the half-hour mark, some councillors were finally assured the effects on neighbours’ sightlines would be minimal.

“There may not be a lot of sightline impediment,” said Coun. Keith Thom, “because very few people lie on the ground and look out at the lake. They generally look out the window.”

“I received the information from the presenter that it’ll be one or two homes affected across the street and only on the ground floor. That answers my questions,” said Coun. Randey Brophy.

The rezoning passed 4-3 with Brophy, Ingram and Coun. Terry Condon opposed.

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