
Peachland to add four more pickleball courts to Lambly Park

Adding pickleball courts

Peachland is moving ahead with plans to build more pickleball courts.

Council on Tuesday agreed to prepare a request for proposals to build four new courts at Lambly Park.

During budget talks, council had set aside $200,000 for the project if a local pickleball society could come up with matching funds.

Mayor Patrick Van Minsel told council on Tuesday the matching fund requirement is no longer needed.

The pickleball community will be required, however, to come up with money for noise abatement.

Coun. Randey Brophy said municipal staff member Mike Macintosh has researched the issue and knows of materials that can help buffer a sound that has driven pickleball neighbours batty in other cities.

Trees help quiet the sound at Lambly Park, Brophy said.

“These homes are situated so that it’s their back yards that are facing the park and there’s garages in each of them to further buffer the sound,” he said.

Coun. David Collins, in a video appearance, said traffic from nearby Highway 97 drowns out the noise made on the pickleball courts.

User fees and a reservation system will be implemented, Van Minsel said.

The park has two courts now. Pickleball is also played inside the community centre.

A public open house on the project will be scheduled, Van Minsel said.

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