
Regional district application for groundwater, aquifer vulnerability studies

Keeping grounded

A new groundwater study proposed by a Nelson-based environmental group has the support of the regional district.

Nelson’s Living Lakes Canada received a letter of support from the Regional District of Central Kootenay board of directors Sept. 12 for an application to the Canadian AgriScience Program’s Investment in Agriculture Foundation, Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program fund.

Based on a Columbia Basin aquifer vulnerability study, the local program would also include associated groundwater supply monitoring and groundwater-related public education.

The AgriScience Program, under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnershi, is designed to accelerate innovation by providing funding and support for pre-commercial science activities and research that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians.

Nelson-based Living Lakes Canada is a charitable water stewardship non-governmental organization with more than 20 years of experience working with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to protect freshwater.

Its science-based programs are similar to federal and provincial monitoring protocols and range from: groundwater; lake; stream and wetland monitoring; to foreshore health assessments; biomonitoring for aquatic assessment and restoration; and water database development and management.

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