Municipal Elections 2014  

Mayor a newcomer

Vernon residents did not focus on political experience when choosing their new mayor, voting in first time politician Akbal Mund.

Mund, who is well known for his community work including President of the Greater Vernon 2012 Winter Games and Co-Founder of Wendy's Dreamlift Day, took a healthy lead in the polls with 41 per cent of the votes.

He won the mayoral seat with 3,714 votes beating out fellow first time politician Victor Cumming who grabbed 3,089 ballots or 34 per cent of the votes tallied.

Trailing behind was incumbent city councillor Mary-Jo O’Keefe, who had hoped to be Vernon’s next mayor but fell short, snagging 1,312 votes or just under 15 per cent.

Fellow mayor hopefuls Klaus Tibes and Jaime Morrow stayed far behind, taking only 1,011 and 442 votes respectively.

On council, incumbent councillors Brian Quiring, Bob Spiers, Juliette Cunningham and Catherine Lord were easily re-elected earning well over 4,000 votes each. 

They will be joined by two newcomers, Dalvir Nahal and Scott Anderson, who grabbed just under 4,000 votes each to win their spot.

First time candidate Kari Gares fell just short of a council seat by 224 votes, trailed by the other seven council hopefuls

The unofficial numbers show that 9,568 votes were cast out of the 32,045 eligible in the City of Vernon, just under 30 per cent.

Official numbers are expected this week once all voting documents have been reviewed.

Check out the results and all the numbers here. 

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