Municipal Elections 2014  

Strong advance turnout

The fourth and final day of advance polling for the City of Kelowna election saw 2,179 votes cast by the time polls closed at 8 p.m. Friday.

The two advance polls Friday resulted in 1,678 votes cast at Parkinson Recreation Centre and 501 votes at City Hall.

The total for the four days of advance voting is 7,226 votes cast. This compares with 4,748 advance votes cast in 2011.

During today’s general election, residents will have 13 voting locations to choose from, including Orchard Park Shopping Centre from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. All other Election Day voting locations will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Voters need to bring two pieces of ID, at least one with a signature, to the polling station to prove residency and identity.

For a complete list of polling station addresses, visit kelowna.ca/election or check out the mobile election “app” on your smartphone.

Remember, Kelowna Regional Transit is offering free bus service to everyone on Nov. 15.

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