
Finding the right mortgage term for you

The best mortgage term

Most borrowers focus on finding the best interest rate when they are shopping for a mortgage.

That is of course important as it determines what amount you will be paying for your monthly payments but you need to look beyond the interest rate to the length of your mortgage contract (the term) as that will have the most impact on your overall costs.

The term of your mortgage, how long you have before you need to renegotiate your mortgage, should be your primary concern, as that will affect the flexibility you have with your mortgage. We have mortgage terms available from six months to ten years so many options available with many different lenders.

Let’s take a look at three of the more common mortgage term lengths in Canada.

Three year fixed term – This mortgage term is chosen by approximately 20% of mortgage borrowers as it offers the flexibility of a shorter term mortgage.

This is great option if you are uncertain about what the future might hold as long term plans may not be firm. It offers a great interest rate for a reasonable period of time and at the end of the term you can reconsider your options.

It might take a little more comparison of lenders to find the best three year rate as the low promotional rates are not available quite as often with this product.

Five year fixed term – This is the most popular mortgage term in Canada. Over 50% of borrowers commit to a five year fixed term mortgage.

Why? Because it’s the term that is pushed most by the big banks. And why do banks push five year fixed term mortgages – it’s a great investment for a bank. They lock you in for a long period of time and if you break the mortgage early then they can charge you a penalty for breaking the mortgage early. They are counting on you to stay with them for five years and if not they are going to penalize you.

The reality is that close to 60% of borrowers who have a five year fixed term mortgage break their mortgage early either to refinance to access equity, or there’s a marriage break up and the home needs to be sold, or there’s a lower rate available at another lender and they want to switch lenders. Any number of reasons.

Rates on five year fixed term mortgages tend to be lower than shorter term mortgages at the moment with some lenders promoting a rate specials.

Ten year fixed term – This is the least popular mortgage term in Canada but it’s an option that should be considered more when making a decision for your mortgage term.

It’s a fairly safe choice if you have no plans to sell your home and move in the next ten years. It gives you the security of knowing that your mortgage payment will not increase for a long time. This one is for the long term planners who are staying put.

If you break your mortgage term within the first five years on a ten year term you could be facing massive penalties but if you go past the first five years then the maximum penalty that can be charged is three months interest. A potentially lower penalty than if you had taken a five year fixed term then renewed for another five year term and then break your mortgage before the end of the second renewal term. Rates are higher currently than other terms.

My best advice is to consider more than just a five year fixed term mortgage when you are choosing your mortgage term. As your mortgage broker I will review both your long term and short term plans so you can make your best decision.

There are so many options available so don’t get stuck on a five year fixed term because you believe it has the lowest rate. Your term needs to fit both your long term and short term goals to work for you.

If you would like to discuss your possible options please email me at [email protected] or you can book a time to chat here on my calendar calendly.com/april-dunn let’s put your mortgage to work for you rather than vice versa.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

April Dunn is the owner and a Mortgage Broker with The Red Door Mortgage Group – Mortgage Architects. For over two decades, she has been helping clients to arrange their financing to purchase a home, refinance, or renew their mortgages. Drawing from her extensive experience as a Credit Union manager, a Residential Mortgage Manager with a large financial institution, and as a Mortgage Broker, April has the necessary expertise to design a tailored mortgage plan with features and options that cater to each client's individual needs. April offers a complete range of residential and commercial mortgage financing services to clients throughout British Columbia and the rest of Canada through her affiliation with the Mortgage Architects network.

Contact e-mail address: [email protected] or by phone at: 1-888-561-2679.

Website: www.reddoormortgage.com

The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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