
This currency can be yours

Creating Confidence, part 3: The highest valued currency in the world.

More valued than dollars; worth more than Bitcoin; more sought after than any other form of fortune…   There is a currency you can accumulate to build your confidence, enable you to meet exciting new people, and develop your cognitive skills.

People spend their lives working to accumulate wealth for the purpose of purchasing this charmed currency. I am not only going to share with you what this currency is, but also, how you can start collecting it today.

Like all currencies, it doesn’t come without effort or a time commitment, however, unlike other currencies, once you have it, you can never lose it.

I learned about this currency three years ago and started collecting immediately. Since then, I have never felt more confident, I have never had more opportunities to meet such interesting and diverse people, and I’ve never been happier.

This treasured currency is – experience.

Sound too simple? Too straightforward? You’re correct. It is that easy and uncomplicated as a concept, but it still requires time, dedication and planning.

Think about why you want to build your wealth – it is to buy experiences to enrich your lives and those of your loved ones.

Why? Because experience builds our confidence, allows us to meet new and exciting people, and develops our intellectual skills.

Are these life changes experiences saved for only the ultra wealthy? Absolutely not!

What if I told you that you could have the same benefits as them? That you can have experiences that build your confidence, meet new people and develop your brainpower? 

It is possible for everyone.

All you must do is commit to learning a new skill or hobby every year. You don’t need to become an expert at it – you just need to open your mind and dedicate yourself to learning enough.

Learning a new skill every year will be the best confidence booster you’ve ever had. You will be surprised, as I was, by what you are capable of. After the first year, I promise that you will be addicted to the resulting confidence you have.

For example, I didn’t have a lot of experience with guns or hunting. My father does it in retirement, my fiancée goes every year, but I had never explored it.

Last year (year three of my Experience Currency accumulation), I made getting my gun and hunting licence my annual currency deposit. I took a night course to accommodate my full-time job, dedicated the time to study and passed by the end of the summer.

I never imagined the satisfaction I would get from being competent around firearms. The course gave me an entirely new perspective on conservationism, gun safety and the extensive research and tracking that goes into hunting regulations.

I met some incredible people while taking the course and discovered I have an affinity for gun handling with 100 per cent on the hands-on portion of the exam.

It felt amazing.

Is there a course or certification you’ve been wanting to take but keep putting it off for fear not passing?

Sign up for it as soon as you are done reading this. A year from now, when you have completed it, you will thank yourself.

Over the past three years, I have taken and completed more certifications and courses than some people do in their entire life.

It has ranged from my getting my motorcycle licence to joining and actively participating in community groups such as Rotary, to completing educational programs in the financial field of study.

As a result, I am more confident now than I have ever been. I can talk to a variety of people and always have experiences in common. I have challenged my brain to new ways of thinking and developed new physical skills.

Obtaining this Experience Currency is something you can start today. Ditch the New Year's resolutions and start an account for experiences.

My favourite quote is from Karen Lamb: “A year from now, you will wish you had started today.” 

Share this with your loved ones and grow together. You will be amazed at the results.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

Like most people, Christy has taken many paths. On the officially documented life list, she is a certified yoga teacher, an advanced open water diver, a financial adviser, a Harley rider and owner, an author, a community advocate.

She has been trained in coaching, negotiations and communication studies. She competed at a provincial level in competitive swimming and now has a passion for overall fitness.

On the un-documented list, Christy’s diverse experience is both positive and full of pot holes. She is the founder and CEO of a start-up company that never made it past the start-up phase. She has enough tattoos to classify as a walking adult colouring book. 

She has gone through all the identity phases at different times in her life: hippie, gothic, classy professional, biker... and is now a unique blend of them all. She a spiritual junkie and is addicted to adrenalin, learning and travel.

The bottom line: She is full of love and lessons with a hope that those who read this and connect with her will benefit from what she learned and be inspired to reach for the limitless possibilities of life.

Connect with her at:[email protected]

The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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