
Canada Complacent

Canada and complacency is more like it!! JB....shake your head! How in the world can you denounce President Bush and his henchmen as you call them for risking American lives to eradicate murder and terrorism in this world. Should the US continue to turn a blind eye to the horrendous dictatorship of Saddam...and the escapades of Bin Laden and allow terrorism to get a firmer foothold in the world...to the detriment of everyone? You know JB...when the doctor determines that one has cancer....it must be treated...and it may not be pleasant but it is the only hope for survival. Iraq and terrorism is a cancer JB. Do you get it...?? Like it or not.....treatment was required....as it had been ignored for too long and reasoning with a people who have no regard for human life is fruitless. I can't believe you actually think Bush likes war. Get a grip JB !!!

I for one am disgusted at Canada's "complacency" You call it peaceful...I call it disgraceful. Canada jumped into bed with France, Germany and Russia, who in case you don't watch the news....were in bed with Saddam and profiting from their relationship with Saddam. They didn't care about helping the Iraqi people...they were lining their own pockets. Now thats something to be proud of JB isn't it? Our very own United Nations is a joke and thank God the US discovered that can of worms before it got worse. How do you feel about the French, Germans and Russians JB.....? By doing nothing you so called "peaceful" countries are allowing more death and destruction and horror than what the US is doing by making the effort to stamp out terrorism for everybody.......Yes, even you JB.........and bring peace to those poor people in Iraq. War is horrible JB...no one is denying that...but count your lucky stars that it is not on your soil and not your family getting raped and murdered.

Consider yourself lucky JB, that you are joined at the hip to the United States of America.....it allows you the freedom to wear your retarded grin and call yourselves peacekeepers....as the "real men" fight your battles for you. Canada is geographically gifted.

I used to be proud to be a Canadian....but now find the Canadian attitude towards America an embarrassment. The US is not perfect by any means.....but think long and hard JB...and ask yourself what other country in the world would you like to have babysitting you...
Shame, shame on Canada.


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