
Re-wording anthem is absurd!

RE: O Canada lyrics to be reviewed

OMG! The feds are seriously considering changing some of the words in our 100-year-old anthem to become more gender neutral. Apparently “All thy sons command” is offensive to some “women’s rights groups”.

At some point, I think I’m just going to give up and stop reading the papers because what is deemed newsworthy is becoming more and more ludicrous every day. That this is even under consideration is absurd! Do we next take a long hard look at the bible and maybe re-wording some of those contentious passages that refer to “mankind”?

Are these women’s rights groups so threatened by men that nothing is considered off limits or are they simply paranoid? Maybe we should just remove the word “men” and any associated word or phrase completely from the English language and be done with it.

Gimme a break.

Peter Haslock

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