
Protect forest in Shuswap

On Jan.10, I wrote to B.C.’s Minister of Forests and the premier about our watersheds being at risk.

As a resident of B.C., I am deeply concerned about B.C. Timber Sales proposed clearcut logging of the Chum Creek Watershed in the Shuswap. Those old growth and mature trees must be preserved for local residents and farmers.

There has been no hydrologic assessment to ensure safety of our precious water. We cannot underestimate the huge risks to wildlife, increased fire hazards and impacts on cultural use by the Secwépemc people. Destruction of the environment by putting in kilometres of logging road will further damage the watershed.

As lawyer Ben Isitt said in a media release,”BC TImber Sales is recklessly proposing large-scale clearcut logging 450 metres uphill from the Adderson and McNolty farms and drinking water sources. The Minister of Forests and the court need to step in, do the right thing, and protect these licensed water sources."

There is abundant knowledge of the importance of protecting our forests and watersheds. Scientists are fighting for our future.

Herb Hammond, a forest ecologist and nature-directed stewardship planner with 40 years of experience in research, industry, teaching and consulting, has told us of the huge risks B.C. is taking by not managing our forests.

Our province is losing millions of hectares of trees due to fires each year. (For other examples. look at the devastation of Lytton, Los Angeles. and Jasper).

It has the great and important responsibility to care for our province’s, and our residents' health, well-being and safety. B.C. residents are looking to it to halt the sales and halt the wholesale destruction of B.C.’s precious trees.

Stop this proposal by B.C. Timber Sales.

Lori Goldman, Penticton

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