
Don't let Trump sicken you

Several of my friends, and many other Canadians, are fretting and obsessing about (U.S. President-elect Donald) Trump’s return to power on Jan. 20, and what will happen over the next four years.

Worrying about something over which you have absolutely no control, however, can only serve to affect your mental and physical health. So why let Trump make you ill?There is nothing you can do about his many threats and preposterous ideas. So why dwell on them ?After all, not one word of truth has ever crossed (his) lips, so why believe and obsess about what he “claims” he’s going to do now?

Consider that, because he’s a compulsive liar, anything he is saying will likely never happen.

Whatever is going to happen will happen, and it’s all completely beyond your control. There is nothing you can do about it. Don’t obsess over what you can’t control.

Four years from now, the American people, even his supporters, will have, no doubt, realized what an intolerable windbag he has been and that their lives are much worse off. Then Trump will be gone.

Personally, I prefer to look at that (him), and the next four years, as just entertainment. After all, even horror shows are entertainment.

Four years is a short period of time. Consider how fast (current U.S. President Joe) Biden’s four-year term went by. Don’t allow what might happen during that brief period in time to affect your health.

This too shall pass and as that silly old song says, “Don’t worry, be happy.”

Don’t allow Trump to make you ill.

Dennis Cooper, Lake Country

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