
Questions Trump's intellect

Open letter to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump

Dear Donald Trump,

You have been called many things over the years, often very unflattering. But what is becoming very clear is you are a brilliant politician and (not very smart), all at once.

It is duly noted you want to bully everyone and now that includes Canada. You want to intimidate us, threaten us, malign us and bend us to your will.

What you don’t understand is friendship—likely because you really don’t have any. But you can’t go through life without friends and neighbours. At some point you will always need their help, their support and their loyalty.

That is what Canada has been to your country for generations. Most recently, we lost more than 400 Canadian soldiers supporting your country in Afghanistan. We trade billions of dollars every day. We have the longest undefended border in the world

But that means nothing to you. You just want what you want. That’s fine but did you ever think beyond your petty bullying about what the consequences of this are to your country?

1. We dramatically increase our trade with China and India, including critical minerals like lithium and uranium. They become our go-to trade partner.

2. No more Canadian oil, gas or electricity.

3. No more NORAD and all those joint military posts in the Canadian Arctic that you rely on will be closed.

4. Stronger strategic military relations and training with China, including in the North.

5. As a convicted felon, you are not eligible to enter Canada. You can do the upcoming G7 meeting being held in Alberta this year via zoom.

6. Our fire fighters and aircraft helping you in California, they are coming home.

And on and on it can go.

(It has been reported, second hand, that) one of your late Wharton School of Business professors said you were the “dumbest” student he ever had.

You are too intellectually challenged to realize (Canada’s) short-term pain will be more than offset by our new relationship with China, your number one enemy and threat and soon to be the strongest economy and military in the world

But hey, who needs friends.

Shawn Thomas, West Kelowna

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