
Shut down Canada Post

Yet again, Canada is being held hostage by another government-mandated, economically out-of-touch, boat anchor. This time, it is the dinosaur of Crown corporations, Canada Post and its (unionized) employees.

(Canada Post is) a dinosaur led by management who are desperately trying to breath life into an utterly broken business model and an employee team that is out of touch with reality, expecting fully funded, limitless employment.

That leaves Canadians, who still rely on (Canada Post), holding the proverbial bag.

Given all the economic challenges our government continues to dump on taxpayers, the brunt of this current Canada Post strike hits small businesses the hardest, just at a time of year when they try so hard to bring in that essential Christmas period revenue.

It’s time our weak and ideologically driven federal government shows consideration for all Canadians and calls an end to this strike, and an end to Canada Post.

It’s a dinosaur that needs to be moved to a museum.

Bruce Stevens

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