
Kelowna tree plans

“I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please.”

The Lorax, in the 1971 book of the same title by Dr. Seuss

Item 7.6 on the agenda of the Kelowna city council's May 27 afternoon meeting is the Urban Tree Canopy Enhancement Strategy update.

The 2024 draft report of the Sustainable Urban Forest Strategy is found online here. The report is an important outline of the plans for the future of trees within our city. Also check out the Climate Resilient Kelowna Strategy.

I encourage Kelowna residents to take the time to complete the related survey.

A virtual presentation of the strategy will take place May 29, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Register to view.

On June 6, an in-person open house will take place from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Kelowna Downtown Library (1380 Ellis Street)

The Lorax will thank you.

David Buckna, Kelowna

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