
Still Non Union

In response to S.F. and J.W.-
With my letter about my experience at the courthouse I did not mean to start a union debate.....but since I did, I have to respond.
All I was trying to say was that if the employee could not perform a debit transaction because of a union rule that you cannot perform someone else's job....I find that unacceptable.
When union rules start to affect customer service...there is obviously a problem and any union member who says that doesn't happen has their head in the sand. I am not going to stand here and say that unions have no place in our workplace but I will say that for all the good they do, they are equally as detrimental to the work place.
I spent 10 years working in conjunction with, and around one of the largest unions...the CAW in the big three auto plants and believe me I have tons of TRUE first hand stories I could tell you S.F. that would make you think twice about your union allegiance.
Remember unions protect all their members...not just the ones who deserve it.


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